Sunday, March 10, 2013

MADKAP Introduction

Greetings MADKAP blogosphere, and many thanks for joining me in this inaugural adventure...a first for me in terms of organized fund-raising and blogging.

So, what is this about? In short, it’s about helping (“MAD”) young people...a group of young people who are full-time students at Western Kentucky University (WKU) and members of a wonderful community called Kelly Autism Program (“KAP”). KAP provides services to students on the autism spectrum to enhance their ability to thrive in an academic setting and to acquire and grow the executive functioning skills needed to be healthy, independent, productive people. Students like my son.

During the next couple of months I’ll introduce you to Ryan and several others, tell you more about the program, and share how the funds we raise will make a significant impact.

So, how do we help? I plan to run 4 half marathons in 4 consecutive weekends (quasi-double marathon) to literally take the KAP name on the road....Nashville (4/27), Cincinnati (5/5), Paducah (5/11), and Chattanooga (5/18). Through this activity, the goal is to raise $25,000. I’d like to ask for your support of this effort in any way that feels right...$5 per race, or a $1 per mile, or whatever amount seems reasonable. If we can raise $25,000, WKU will match the funds thereby generating $50,000 for an endowment to offer scholarships to KAP students.

Paying for college can be challenging enough for many families, and that's before considering the reasonable fee associated with KAP. To accelerate goal attainment and make a difference that much faster, for each $2,500 raised, I will also contribute $500.

The numbers indicate that 1 in 88 people are on the autism spectrum. Statistically it’s likely that most of us know someone on the spectrum....a family member, a relative, a neighbor, someone meaningful to a friend, a work associate. Given that, it would mean a lot to me if you would also share this blog and fund-raising effort with your circle of friends.

So, let’s have some fun and create opportunity for others – making a difference. I’ll be back soon with more info re: KAP, but until then I sincerely thank you for your support given to this positive, meaningful community.

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  1. Jeff, its been a long time since Samford, huh?! I hope you are well. Can you e-mail me the specifics on the organization (address, contact info, etc)...especially if its a 501(c)3 non-profit. If it is, my firm will match my contribution dollar for dollar. If it isn't, then it might make sense for me to direct my donation to WKU (and earmark it for the scholarship fund) so that my firm can match my donation...not sure, but its a thought.

    Best to you and your family,

    Eric Barnett (

    1. Eric, really appreciate the note....eMailing you now. For others to know, MADKAP donations are via WKU's College Heights Foundation and are tax-deductible due to its 501c3 status. Nice thought re: potential for employers/firms matching contributions...could really help accelerate fund-raising for this great community of people. Thanks for the support, Eric....truly appreciated. --Jeff


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