Saturday, April 27, 2013

Country Music 1/2 Marathon - Sat 4/27/2013

When describing a rainy day, you've probably heard someone say - or even yourself said - "it rained the entire time" and perhaps the rain stopped occasionally or was actually intermittent.  Alas, not today.  It rained.  The.  Entire.  Time.  Nonetheless, MADKAP 2013 is out of the gate and on the open road at official running events in fine style.  It might have rained the whole way - and it did - but it was still a good time...MADKAP shirts were on display and several runners on the course even asked "hey, what is that?" as we made our way through the rain-soaked streets of "The Music City".  This author posted a 1:29:29 and fellow MADKAP runner Counselor Tom submitted a 1:44:03.  Next stop, Cincinnati ("The Queen City") on Sunday 5/5 for The Flying Pig Half Marathon.

Many thanks to MADKAP Webmaster Pyron (far left of pic, as viewed) for his significant contribution to MADKAP's online presence and this on-course photo (~5.5 mile mark) taken on Belmont Boulevard this morning.  Did I mention that it rained?  Back to you tomorrow to continue the MADKAP profiles.

And remember, it's still Autism Awareness Month...your support of this initiative to create scholarship funding for and share the word (Facebook, eMail, town crier, etc.) about KAP is truly appreciated.

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Sunday, April 21, 2013

MADKAP Racing Team Ready To Roll

Roll might be too aggressive of an action verb for a group of dudes collectively over 180 years old.  Okay, it definitely is.  But it's time.  We've made it through long runs, tempo runs, intervals, and fast-finish runs; rainy/snowy/windy runs, dark (early) runs, cold runs, and, increasingly, some really great days of weather too; urban runs, track runs, a trail run (drop & roll, Governor), even Tabata runs (Google Dr. Izumi Tabata or Wikipedia "High-Intensity Interval Training" for more info).

The last double digit training run was completed yesterday and in a few days we toe the line - alright, we'll be many yards back of the elites who are actually toeing the line - at MADKAP's first half marathon.  The schedule is:

4/27 - The Music City - Country Music 1/2M (Nashville)
5/5 - The Queen City - Flying Pig 1/2M (Cincinnati)
5/11 - The Quilt City - Iron Mom ("I Ran Like A Mother") 1/2M (Paducah)
5/18 - The Scenic City - Rock/Creek Trail 1/2M (Chattanooga)

If you're interested to know more about the general training schedule/pattern we employed, please add a comment below or send me an eMail....if there's enough interest, I'll post an article about it.

Almost 30 full marathons have been collectively completed by this blue-shoed crew not to mention - okay, I'm mentioning it - many more half marathons (combined official events and training runs of 13+ miles), but these four half marathons will be the first efforts on behalf of KAP.

Thank you for all the support to date....there were, yet again, some remarkably generous contributions to the MADKAP scholarship fund-raising effort this past week.  (I will post a $ update within the next couple of days, and more KAP profiles will follow.)  Thank you!

Pictured below (left to right as viewed):  David (Governor), Jeff (The Organizer), Michael (Teach, aka Wave), & Tom (Counselor)

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